
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Raw milk access in NZ update

Hey raw milk fans, I recently got this email from the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, which has finished reading through all the submissions it received regarding its proposal for continuing to supply raw milk. Here's the email I got....

Thank you for your submission on proposals for continuing to legally provide for farm gate sales of raw drinking milk.  The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) received 1685 submissions on the proposals.

After considering the outcome of consultation, the Minister for Food Safety, the Hon Kate Wilkinson, decided that farm gate sales of raw milk will continue to be allowed, and that the amount that can be purchased is likely to increase in the future. The Minister has also decided that farmers will be exempt from the current requirement to have a Risk Management Programme for farm gate sales of raw milk and will instead need to adhere to certain animal health and hygiene requirements.

The Minister has also asked MPI to undertake further scientific and policy work to investigate increasing the limit that consumers can purchase and whether raw milk can be sold off the farm in a way that balances managing the risks to public health with consumer choice.

MPI will also look at how consumers can be provided with information on risks associated with raw drinking milk at the point of sale so they are able to make an informed choice when they purchase raw drinking milk. 

MPI will consult on any new regulatory proposals relating to the production and sale of raw drinking milk, including the animal health and hygiene requirements, any limits on the quantity that can be purchased and sold and any proposals for sales of raw milk outside of the farm.  Your name has been added to the mailing list so you will be advised of consultation on this issue.

In the interim, the current legislation applies, and if people wish to consume raw milk they can buy up to 5 litres of raw milk from the farm gate for their own personal use or to provide to their family to consume.

A summary of the submissions has been posted on the MPI website at:

Information on safe food practices in relation to raw drinking milk these can also be found on the MPI website at:

Once again thank you for your submission. 

Yours sincerely

Hilary Eade
Food Policy Manager
Ministry for Primary Industries


  1. Yay. Very good news.


  2. yay, so progressive... meanwhile it is completely illegal in Australia!


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